Plans to demolished Old Polegate Station, Eastbourne / South London were given the go-ahead. It will be replaced by a 3.5-storey building containing a convenience store at lower ground level and 22 flats above with associated parking. The Victorian station later became a pub and resteraunt which is understood to have ceased trading in May 2016. Objectors to the demolition proposal had raised concerns about the loss of prominent and historic building, though it is not a Listed one.
One Vision worked with Old Polegate Station to install a SMATV 5 wire fibre system. The SMATV 5 Wire fibre system allows the client to obtain a TV signal, There is usually 2 ports within the property. One which can connect to Sky / Freeview / Freesat TV and the second one can connect to an aerial which can connect you to normal Terrestrial TV.
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